Janusz Tomczak


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Janusz Tomczak


Region(s) of Core Legal Knowledge

Email: janusz.tomczak@raczkowski.eu
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Partner and advocate Janusz Tomczak has comprehensive experience in advising and representing corporate clients and private individuals facing risks related to criminal liability, and who have suffered injuries due to criminal activity. He has pursued projects to counteract irregularities, and he has been involved in designing and deploying anticorruption procedures and in designing solutions to report irregularities (whistleblowing lines) in Polish and international structures. He is a member of the International Bar Assocation’s Criminal Law Committee, an expert in Transparency International, and a disciplinary judge.

Representative Work:

  • Defending and coordinating defense (in cooperation with French lawyers) of a Polish company charged in carbon fraud case in Paris (corporate criminal liability).
  • Assistance and representation of a British, high-society individual in a criminal matter affecting his moral stand and reputation.
  • Defending foreign management board member of a Polish subsidiary of international food industry corporation (charges concerning abuse of trust and fiscal offences).
  • Leading an internal investigation concerning commercial fraud for the American corporation having its businesses in Poland.