Leonel Pereznieto Del Prado
Creel García-Cuéllar Aiza and Enríquez

Creel García-Cuéllar Aiza and Enríquez

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Leonel Pereznieto Del Prado

Creel García-Cuéllar Aiza and Enríquez

Region(s) of Core Legal Knowledge

Email: leonel.pereznieto@creel.mx
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Partner Leonel Pereznieto has conducted numerous complex anti-corruption and white collar investigations. In close collaboration with global and international counsel, Leonel has participated in investigations involving conduct in Mexico with cross-border impact. He is currently busy advising global clients in connection with the ramifications of the anti-corruption investigations and enforcement actions recently launched by the new AMLO administration. His expertise in regulatory issues enhances his investigations and compliance capabilities while affording clients effective advice on government matters, including procurement, concessions, licenses, and cooperation agreements.

Representative Work:

  • Conducted an investigation into unlawful payments, allegedly made by a global manufacturing company to municipal authorities in Mexico, for obtaining zoning permits and licenses to develop a state-of-the-art facility.
  • Represented a global financial industry company in the investigation of alleged conflicts of interest and exchange of confidential information in government bids.
  • Has conducted numerous investigations for public companies with operations in Mexico into channel stuffing and fraudulent revenue recognition allegations