About the Network

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Companies with international operations must comply with an often-dizzying array of compliance requirements from country to country, unwittingly risking government enforcement actions in one nation that may be considered “business as usual” in another. It’s not enough to be aware of each country’s laws and regulations, and maintaining that awareness can alone be extraordinarily difficult. Knowing the laws wherever your company operates, understanding how to conduct effective, efficient, and timely internal investigations, and recognizing how to respond to government authorities when compliance questions arise requires a dedicated network of professionals that few businesses can maintain themselves and that global professional services firms have difficulty providing.

The law firms of the Concilium Network offer their multinational corporate clients a trustworthy, efficient, and effective resource for identifying local legal representation, to solve collaboratively cross-border compliance, investigations, and defense challenges all over the world.

By contacting the law firms in the Concilium Network, multinational companies can connect with lawyers who focus on compliance, investigations, and defense in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas, and the Middle East. The English-fluent lawyers speak the local languages, know the local court systems, have experience dealing with regulators and enforcement authorities, and, most importantly, stay up-to-date on the local laws and regulations that can and do change quickly. They respond quickly, are able to collaborate efficiently across international borders, and resolve complex and important issues often before they become significant problems.

One world. One network.